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Selectmen Minutes 02/05/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 5, 2013

Members present:   Mike Paveglio, Richard DeBold
Budget Committee Members present during the public hearing: Marlene Hammond, Steve MacCleery, Ed Millette, Don Peterman, Jason Weir
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Steve Stock, Jamie Pike, approximately 12 members of the public present for the public hearing on the 2013 budget.

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

2013 Budget and Warrant Public Hearing

Doug Hall moderated the public hearing.  This was a second public hearing to discuss proposed articles 9 and 11.  

Article 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,000 to perform preventative maintenance and repair to the frame of the 1999 E-One fire truck; the sum of $7,000 is to be raised by general taxation.

Chief Quimby reported that the representative from E-1 would not be able to give firm numbers for three weeks.  Jason Weir made a motion to amend the article to $25,000 – there was no second.

It was asked if the truck was safe and the Chief believes it is safe at this time.  Mr. Paveglio stated he is in favor of not going forward with the article on the warrant at this time.  He would like to see it come up next year with complete research done.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to eliminate article 9.  Motion passed.

Article 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $95,000 to be deposited into each of the following Capital Reserve Funds; the amount of $95,000 is to be raised by general taxation.

Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund                                                    $5,000
Fire Department Breathing Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund        $25,000
Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund         $50,000
Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund                                                    $5,000
Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund           $10,000

There was discussion concerning the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund deposit.  The need for the deposit were items (phone and computer) that are being completed during
the year.  Some thought it would be more appropriate for that item to have its own specific warrant article.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to eliminate the Office Equipment CRF deposit from the article.  Motion passes.  The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee were unanimously in favor of the amended article ($85,000).

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to add an article to the warrant in the amount of $10,000 for the purpose of repairs, upgrades and/or replacement of the Town’s computer systems.  There was discussion about what the warrant would cover.  This article was really meant to supplement the Office Equipment Capital Reserve fund.  The motion failed.

Public hearing was closed.

Warden Stock
The Board and Warden discussed the issues with reimbursement from the State.  Some of the paperwork was lost.  It has now been found and will be submitted, however it is after the allowed time so we do not know if we will get reimbursement.  To prevent this from occurring in the future the Town Office is now submitted them directly to the Ranger instead of sending them back to the Warden.  The Board has asked the Warden to present the bills to them with an explanation of each so the Board can better understand the bills and the process.

Other Business

Zoning:  Nancy asked about the Perry Brook Road violation.  Mr. Paveglio has not been in contact with the resident.  Nancy expressed concern for safety. The Fire Department does not feel they have the authority to knock on the resident’s door.  It was noted by Mr. Pike that there was a similar issue and the Board should review that case to make a determination as to whether or not there is an enforceable violation. Nancy will contact the attorney for advice.

Community Building:  The Historical Society would like to use the second floor of the community building for storage.  The Selectmen authorized that usage.  Mr. Reinhardt asked the Board for $500 out of the facilities Capital Reserve Fund to make some of the repairs to the building.  The Board asked Mr. Reinhardt for a quotation.  He will provide next week.  Mr. Reinhardt also asked about the fire extinguishers.  He said a company checks them every year and he was recently informed that they are not the correct ones for the building.  

Donation:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to authorize the acceptance and expenditure of $750.00 from the First Congregation Church Dorcas Guild to be used by the Welfare Department in the form of fuel assistance.  Motion passed.

Fire Station Fence:  Ed Millette asked about the Fire Station Fence.  Mr. Paveglio stated he feels the trees have re-established the property line and a new fence would be much shorter than the last one.  Ed thinks there may be a new resident there and it would be good to establish rapport with them.  Mr. Paveglio will follow-up.

Phone system at Town Offices:  Jamie Pike reviewed with the Board the information he received from TDS.  The cost is going to be $7K to $10K.  Any new system with TDS will add $100 to our monthly bill.  Jamie will call other companies for more quotations and report again next week.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:02.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman         Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold